The Establishment is to Blame

Establishment BasicsHillary Clinton was a shoe-in for President despite her conflicted history.  Trump was the bombastic, narcissist who insulted and bullied nearly every one. No way he could win the Whitehouse.  But did he really win or did Clinton lose? (Don’t be distracted by the popular vote challenge to the electoral college or recounts.) What did all of the pundits and media miss? Fingers of blame have been pointed in every direction for the unexpected upset except one:

The Establishment!

An insightful, thought provoking piece in The Nation provides an explanation of what actually went down with the voters in this past election.  The author takes down the GOP, the Dems, the Media, the Corporate Sector and Labor Unions.  The voters gave the one finger salute to the status quo and turned things upside down.  Why? Because all of our established institutions have let the people down. Our institutions appear to be interested only in perpetuating themselves, and not really interested in solving problems for the very people they claim they are there to serve.  This is not a partisan piece but an observation that hits the nail on the head.

The Nation: Why do white working class people vote against their interests? They don’t!

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