Get Involved

American history has proven that when people get organized under a cause they believe in they can make big changes happen. Our goal is to get people organized under the New American Party umbrella and rally support for common sense legislation and changes that get America moving in the right direction again. How can you get involved? Try starting your own coffee klatch. Organize a community event.  Reach out to friends and neighbors and to talk about the issues that we can all agree on that need to be addressed. (For example, simpler, fairer taxation, reducing pollution, better funding for schools, better care for our veterans.  The issues are many.  Take your pick.)  Consider running for office yourself at the local, state or federal level.  If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. The winds of change are beginning to blow.  Be a part of a next generation of politics in America…Be the change you can believe in!

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