Is your Congressman working for you? Think again!

CBS News and 60 Minutes recently exposed a little known secret about both major parties Congressmen's Work Schedulein Washington and their fundraising expectations for new and existing legislators. Would you be surprised to learn that they are expected to spend as much as 30 hours a week on the phone with a fundraising goal of $18,000 per week.  Did you know that your Congressman works in a small telemarketing cubicle dialing for dollars in party headquarters a short walk from the Capital. It has been going on for years.  Who do the parties blame? The Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United vs. the FEC.  Nora O’Donnell reports the story for 60 Minutes with an interview of Representative David Jolly.

What does this mean to you, the voter?  It verifies the worst of our suspicions about Washington, the Democrat and Republican parties and our Congressional representatives.  The major political parties in the U. S. are not focused on solving our problems, but in raising big money and staying in power.  All the more reason to vote out every incumbent and vote for independent and third party candidates.

Is this how you want your Congressman or Congresswoman to spend their time when they should be representing you and your interests?  Is this the job you thought you were voting to fill?  Perhaps it is one reason why problems never get fixed in Washington.

Some of our representatives are fed up and have introduced “STOP” legislation to end the practice and put our representatives back to work for the voters. Guess what?  They can’t generate enough supporters for the bill. Why?  Because our representatives are scared of their own parties.

But don’t take our word for it.  Watch the full 60 Minutes segments here at: CBS 60 Minutes Congressional Telemarketers…