Veteran Healthcare

When Americans put their lives on the line in service to their country, they have earned our respect and we owe them a debt that is hard to repay.  But the least they should be able to expect is timely, top quality healthcare.Veterans  When the country is truly threatened or when the most grievous humanitarian catastrophes arise, our America service men and women hear the call.  Upon honorably serving their country our veterans are entitled to the best medical care available.  Not bureaucracy, not “red tape” – No exceptions!

The V.A. or Veterans Administration was established in 1930, but its roots go back to the Revolutionary War.  Its goal was and is to ensure that our veterans and their families receive the support and care they’ve earned for serving their country.  The VA offers many benefits, bVA Scandalut the Healthcare scandal revealed in 2014 that it frequently failed our veterans due to incompetence, negligence, corruption or all three.

The V.A. was established at a time when health services to veterans were found few and far between. Today, with excellent hospitals and medical facilities across the country, every veteran should be able to go to the doctor or healthcare facility of their choice compliments of the V.A.  They’ve earned it and owe them that much.

The New American Party believes that every veteran should be provided with a VA MedicalVA Wait Times ID and insurance card that they can present to any doctor, hospital or medical facility for proper care.  They may choose V.A. facilities and doctors if they prefer or whomever else they may prefer. The choice should be theirs. No more long waits for appointments or delays for much needed treatments. No one should die waiting for an appointment or life saving treatment especially our veterans.

When we see a veteran we need to do more than say “thank you for your service.” We need to show them we really mean it. That means providing them the health care services they need when they need them, without interference and with thanks from a grateful nation.

This is a solution or veterans’ benefit the New-American Party believes should have been put in place long ago.  It’s a common sense solution for those to whom we all honor and owe so much.